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A John Keells Group Initiative

with a vision of being the catalyst in significantly reducing plastic pollution in Sri Lanka.


The Plasticcycle Social Entrepreneurship project is aimed at reducing plastic pollution, through encouraging reduction in the use of single-use plastics, supporting responsible disposal and promoting recycling initiatives.

The Government and related agencies have, over the years, come up with various programmes to address the challenge of plastic pollution. However much more needs to be done and we believe that we, the John Keells Group, have an opportunity to do more, both internally and externally, especially recognizing that some of our businesses are in industries that contribute directly or indirectly to the problem.

  1. Work towards becoming plastic neutral by supporting responsible disposal of plastics to optimize recycling
  2. Consciously reduce our plastic footprint when making purchase decisions or considering business opportunities
  3. Sensitize our supply chains, our people and our customers on plastic usage and managing plastic waste
  4. Create awareness about the impact of plastic consumption and the resultant plastic waste.

Plasticcycle was launched as a pilot in July 2017 in two wards belonging to the Colombo Municipal Council located in Colombo 2 (Wekanda and Hunupitiya) with the intention of adopting the learnings from the pilot in expanding the project.

Under the initiative we have introduced bins to collect plastic waste for recycling. Based on the positive response to the three bins that were placed initially, we are now expanding bin locations across many of the Keells Super outlets in and around Colombo. Our bin locator will help you find the bin nearest to you.

Change needs to start with each and every one of us. Let us all take the pledge to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastics and become catalysts for that change.